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Eliza Bishop, Chef-Owner

Eliza spent many nights creeping on her parents' dinner guests, acquiring a lifelong love for partytime.  Since her very first college-era waitressing job at a diner (she was awful), she's worked in all aspects of the food world, serving, bartending, cooking, catering, and managing.

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Billy Bishop, Renaissance Man-Owner

Billy has a regular-person day job, but is an indispensable member of the crew and an amazing cook. He’s the lead chicken-fryer on Thursday nights, and attempts to talk Eliza out of her dumber ideas. He’s the boss of the major 2022-23 shop renovation.

In their free time, when not stuffing their faces alongside dearest friends and family, Billy and Eliza explore this magical island with their babies Teddy and Frances.


We'd be hopeless without Violet, Emily, Wren, Matilda, Morgan, Katelyn, Theresa, Scarlett, Sabine, Olivia, Lolie, and Jake.

Our logo work and signage and merch is designed by wizard Erika Flynn at Good Majick.
